Tabling at farmers markets

Members of Group 39 have been tabling at farmers markets in Bloomfield and Squirrel Hill in June and July. We have been collecting signatures for two petitions to Congress:

  • For our focus case, the imprisoned human rights advocate and scholar Mohammed al-Qahtani in Saudi Arabia.
  • To support a bill that would end the practice of immigration detention for families with children.

At each occasion, we have been able to collect 100-200 signatures!

Impressions of the virtual Write for Human Rights

Both our online kick-off and wrap-up events for the Write for Human Rights campaign had 20+ participants. Below are a few pictures, including a snapshot of the candle lighting ceremony, and live music presented by fellow Amnesty activist Michael Andrews from Florida. In total, participants wrote 126 letters, but we are sure that were many more letter writers out there among you that we are unaware of!

2020 Write for Human Rights (virtual)

Download poster/flyer

Every year in December, Pittsburghers write hundreds of letters on behalf people whose human rights are violated and in support of activists who defend those rights.

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic does not allow us to host an in-person letter-writing event. However, our fight for human rights is needed as much as ever. So we are not giving up but just changing the modus operandi: You will write your letters at home, we will provide all the info, and there will be two communal online events, to learn about the cases and support each other in our letter writing goals. Follow these links:

Write for Human Rights materials and background information
Kick-off: Thursday, December 10, 7pm
Report and celebrate: Tuesday, December 15, 7pm

Discussing police violence

Members of Amnesty Intl. Group 39 met with City Council members Erika Strassburger and Corey O’Connor to present finding of the recent report from Amnesty Intl. USA on excessive use of force by police against African Americans and Black Lives Matter protesters. We discussed ways how the Pittsburgh Police could put more emphasis on deescalation, adopt international standards for use of force, and can be held accountable for abuse of their authority.