Thank you – the Write to Witness event was a great success!

Thank you to the volunteers of Amnesty International Pittsburgh, City of Asylum staff and writers-in-residence, the writers who shared their works and thoughts, and all of the attendees who made Write to Witness such a great event and great way to raise awareness about the issues facing writers around the world.  In addition to supporting the event, attendees wrote at least 25 letters and wrote lovely messages of support for Raif Badawi.

Please check to stay up to date on current cases and ways you can take action and stay involved.

Pittsburgh’s Group 39 will host our largest annual event, the Write-a-thon and Human Rights Festival in December.  Stay tuned for further updates about that and other events and actions on, on Twitter @amnestypgh and on Facebook: Amnesty international Pittsburgh Group. You may also join our Google Group “Amnesty International Group 39” to receive email updates as well.

Feel free to email us at with any questions, feedback or ideas for more events.
We’re specifically interested in volunteers to help restart our Sunday Human Rights Cafe, where we set up some letter writing at a local cafe or tea shop once or twice a month for 2 hours.

Some pics from the event.  See you at the next one and thank you for your support!

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